paths to adventure


risk a life

path of adventure

boys challenge


take your time

life is everywhere

bush path


Two paths we have recently strolled. The first is at Black Rock where a steep path leads down to the bay and branches left and right. Straight ahead is usually very wet but what a challenge for boys on bikes especially when taunted by an official sign. On a similar path  further along the coast Jill and I were chased by a Tiger snake hurling itself off the wall straight at us as we walked up.

The second is at Gariwerd / Grampians National Park. This bush track is leading out to the lake View Lookout. This young Kangaroo was enjoying a snack.

These two haiku are my offerings for RonovanWrites Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge 92 Life&Path where all types of haiku responses can be read click here  and also to the engaging co – hosted 52 week photo challenge week 15 PATH, viewed at Wild daffodil

37 thoughts on “paths to adventure

  1. Amazing photographs, and what a path… I can see how dangerous for bikes… Beautiful haiku poems for them. But tiger snake made me afraid, I watched a few video of them now. Oh my God. Be careful dear Denis, their angry is not good. Thank you, have a nice day, Love, nia

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    1. There are snake warning signs along our clifftop paths here in the middle of suburbia Sue. It is challenging when a tiger snake chases you on a bush path in the middle of the Tasmanian wilderness and you are carrying a 20 kilo pack.
      Our snakes don’t kill many people though, sharks are winning this year.


      1. Although I appreciate wildlife and was delighted to see a snake here last year, and am glad there are teeth and claws that can defend themselves from Man… I’m glad I live in a place where the wildlife is of a manageable and less hungry variety.

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  2. Wonderful haiku and images reflecting some adventurous paths, but that snake adventure can be taken off my to-do list. Ha ha! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Denis.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Enjoyed these two Denis, especially stirring memories of Australia. My daughter ,husband and two little grandchildren live in Sydney. I miss them so much! 💚💜❤️💛💙 (tiger snakes? Eeek!)

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  4. Nice ones, Denis! That first haiku brought back memories….my 12-year son received his first skateboard for his birthday. “Mom, can we go to the park??!!” We did. He found the hilliest, fastest path possible. And yes, he broke his arm. Boys challenge indeed!

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        1. There is no bravery Joyce, I have always run the other way. Once as a young kid when I stepped on a copperhead snake and it ran the other way too. The others have all been Tiger snakes and they come after you.

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  5. Why do the snakes chase?! Sounds the stuff horror flicks are made of!
    I would have trouble resisting that hill on my bike; well used to them living on the top of a very hilly island. I like to think the secret is to pump the brakes on the descent, but boys do like the thrill of the speed by not doing so.


    1. Tiger snakes chase during the mating season and also it is rumoured if you get between them and their hole. I would rather a Tiger snake chasing me than a Black mamba in Southern Africa, now that is one scary snake that chases. The descent on this concrete path is steep and finishes at a sea wall with a 2 metre drop into the water. Brakes need to work but physics may take the body on a forward projection.

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