birds before jewels

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for colour

diamonds and pearls lose

to rainbows

Give me a few minutes of watching Rainbow Lorikeets messing about like this pair a few nights ago than worrying about the insurance value of a diamond ring or string of pearls.

This haiku is my contribution to

where haiku poets from around the globe spin their art of words and imagery.

24 thoughts on “birds before jewels

  1. Brilliant! I have just been trying/struggling to get a similar sentiment out of the two prompt words this week – I’m not there yet – your haiku prompted a cheer from me!


    1. Thanks Sandra, I hope it guides you. I had these images for an article I wrote for a local government environment group newsletter and they spoke to me for the prompt. I’ll have to do another one for your WORK image.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. so beautiful… in here there were some parrots, you maybe remember I took their pictures but I notice now, they seem all gone or what happened to them ? Thanks and Love, nia


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