
Mystery surrounds the origins of the Afghan Hound. Certainly they have been long established in the mountains of Afghanistan and surrounding regions. In Afghanistan they are called “Tazi” as distinct from other dogs and have been and are, highly valued by the people who they live with.


Other sight hound breeds , Saluki, Borzoi and various greyhounds are very similar in structure and shape. However the Afghan coat and ears are very distinctive as is the tight coil of the tail and the amazing rotating flexibility of the hindquarters.


There are no accurate written or art records of the Afghan Hound before the early nineteenth century British colonial activities in the Northern Indian/Afghanistan regions.


These hounds were known for their hunting abilities across a range of species from deer and snow leopards to small reptiles. An Afghan hound approaching at full speed is a scary sight.


They are also noted to be outstanding guard dogs and will quickly stand between a stranger and a gate/door/tent flap to their property.


Afghan Hounds have  an amazing sense of humour and play, making them ideal companions for children. Suggestions they are silly and ignorant are made by people who have not lived with them. Afghans are independent, and will not tolerate fools or people who want sit , beg, roll over dogs. An Afghan quickly tells an idiot they are an idiot with a shake of the head or a stare that disposes of the said idiot.


They also identify strongly with their possessions and will defend them at all costs.


If an Afghan Hound chooses to live with you then expect a loyal and faithful dog, one who will protect home and property and the family. They are loving and gentle dogs. At times they are accused of being distant but this means they want peace and quiet and will let you know. I have rarely known of an Afghan that bites or attacks other dogs however they certainly tell people and dogs they do not trust  to back off and go away without resorting to violence.

15 thoughts on “AFGHAN HOUNDS

  1. She is magnificent! I had a retired racing greyhound who lived to be thirteen. She was everything you describe. She loved to run on the beach at the hard packed shoreline. Does the Afghan ‘yodel’? My Rosie did – no other way to describe that sound she made when she spotted a blimp in the sky. Now I have a cockapoo – who couldn’t be more different but just as wonderful in his own way.


    1. Great to receive your comment. Wonderful to hear you took in a retired greyhound. They are beautiful dogs and sadly here the industry in the past often treated them as disposable units. Here in Melbourne there is a very strong group who organise foster homes for retired greyhounds. Just in our neighbourhood there are 3 of these amazing dogs. Charlie , who features prominently in these pictures was raised by her grandmother who was called Rosie. Charlie learnt to cross her front legs from Rosie and also to take a keen interest in rabbits.


    1. They are really amazing dogs, faithful and loyal and great travellers. They are historically companions to the humans they choose to live with, dating back centuries as they travelled the caravan routes of central Asia guarding, hunting and protecting.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. An Afghan Hound approaching at full speed…IS a scary sight. I can attest to that! I was running at a local park on a Sunday morning and an Afghan got loose and decided to run with me! No harm done…and they are a gorgeous breed. Just so you know, I clicked on your sight from the ronovan writes hailku propmpts.


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