

craning necks

protecting their nest

eggs of gold



Rainbow Lorikeets are nesting at Ricketts Point and have to protect their nests against other parrots, Indian Mynas, Ravens, Currawongs and the intrusions of human photographers.. It will be interesting to see evidence of any fledglings in a couple of weeks.

This is my response to
RonovanWrites Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge 70 Crane&Gold. This weekly challenge to haiku creators comes up with some incredible haiku. To see this weeks look here

15 thoughts on “Nesting

  1. How lovely to read a haiku about Ricketts Point – I spent many, many hours there when I was younger. And so wonderful to read that the lorikeets are breeding in an urban environment.


    1. Thanks for dropping in to my Blog Suzanne. If you get the time to look at some other posts in Haikuhound you will see a lot of images from Ricketts Point and around Bayside and some down around Port fairy/Koroit.
      You have some interesting posts in your blogs.


      1. koroit and Port Fairy are my current territory so I will look for your posts about them. I grew up near Ricketts Point but haven’t been over that way for ages.


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