passing parrots


easy food

colourful feathers 

passing by


We have been putting seed sticks in a tree at the front of our house mainly for the Crested pigeons who have appeared in earlier blogs. The sticks are sold as parrot and budgerigar sticks however the Pigeons believe the manufacturers have left them off the labels.  Three days ago  these two Crimson Rosellas began turning up. Its amazing how they can detect the location of this food as they fly in the vicinity. We have been hearing Eastern Rosellas  and noticed  a pair feeding  in street trees near our back yard. These Crimsons are not as common around our suburb, they are more a country/hills and mountains bird. The top one is an adult and the bottom one a juvenile, notice the mottled green plumage that is missing from the adult. Its an unusual combination but most likely a mating pair, the age difference may not be too much , anyway thats just a guess. The parrots are all nesting or looking for sites. This pair have turned up regularly late morning and mid afternoon for 3 days. The crested pigeons have vacated the tree to feed and clean up what drops to the ground as the Rosellas feed.  The adaptability and intelligence of our birds in Australia is amazing. They also quickly learn to trust humans , the pigeons come to my call and follow me around on the ground like tame chickens.

36 thoughts on “passing parrots

    1. Thanks Carol. Many of our birds quickly adapt to humans feeding them, Magpies for instance will enter houses looking for food. The pigeons come to about 500 cm then walk away. The parrots were about 2 metres away. Cockatoos will take food from your hand.


    1. Thanks Sue. I like the sound of the escaped parakeets, defying cages. We had a lovebird once, (saved from the middle of a road, called Gadaffi, who flew off with a flock of Lorikeets one day.


  1. What a treat to have such beauteous visitors. Sadly the crows bully all the lovely songbirds away from our feeders, not that we have anything as extraordinary as your Crimson Rosellas. I just wish the crows were better at sharing.


    1. That was sad. They can live to 20 years plus in the wild, some in sanctuaries have lived to 30. Yours was 10 years plus. Now if it was a Sulphur crested Cockatoo they can live to 120 years.


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