

off the lead

smells blow on the wind

free to please


Roaming around in the bush near Bendigo was one of Charlie’s happiest experiences. Having just missed a wallaby once she was always on the lookout however we were more careful before the lead came off. There were always many different scents both on the wind and the ground. Occasionally we would come across a prospector with a metal detector, people walking dogs or themselves and plenty of motor bike and 4X4 tyre marks.

This is my contribution to RonovanWrites Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge 134 Blow & Please . To read  other haiku poet challenges please visit this link https://ronovanwrites.wordpress.com/2017/01/30/ronovanwrites-weekly-haiku-poetry-prompt-challenge-134-blowplease/

This is also  my contribution to the one a week week Photo Challenge  and the challenge is is HAPPY . For this years challenge planned by Cathy and Sandra visit Cathy’s blog at  https://nanacathydotcom.wordpress.com/one-a-week-photo-challenge-2017/

35 thoughts on “happy

  1. Not an easy prompt…you did well 🙂 Nice to see Charlie out and about. I like how you capture the joy and hazards to look out for when our pets are off leash.


  2. It wasn’t easy for me too dear Denis, I stayed for some time while watching these photographs. I love Charlie, and I know the feelings behind the photographs, but how nice we have them. Only memories remain at the end. Thank you dear Denis, I know not easy for you too, you both too… But Charlie lives in our hearts and minds as yours. Love, nia


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