


hoping for

crystal clear water

and a swim


Some days in summer the waters around the edge of our bayside area can be very still and clear. Looking down towards the Red Bluff caught by the setting sun  one is panning towards the beaches Charlie loves to walk on and contemplate paddling from.

This is my contribution to the exhilarating Haiku Challenge facilitated by Ronovan. The creative range of poetry flooding into Ronovan’s site this week with the challenge words Crystal and Hope can be accessed at https://ronovanwrites.wordpress.com/2016/01/11/ronovanwrites-weekly-haiku-poetry-prompt-challenge-79-crystalhope/

27 thoughts on “dreaming

  1. Each of your posts about warmth and summer accompanied by fabulous scenic shots makes me understand more and more why so many Irish move to Australia and find it hard to return. Thanks for sharing your world. Your haiku feels very personal!


    1. Thanks for those thoughts Melissa. The haiku comes from either a response to a happening or feeling and often the image is taken as part of that. Our summer I don’t really like to photograph because of the heat and light unless its a sunset. Most of my images are the other 3 seasons, or if following the Indigenous seasons, the other 5 to 7. My Irish ancestors along with many others came here in the early to mid C19th. Often there was no choice, they were in chains as prisoners of the English ( political or petty criminal), or fleeing English persecution or facing starvation or as desperate migrants hoping for a life. Todays Irish are often young backpackers looking for work and staying but the numbers have dropped off as opportunities increase back in Eire.


  2. Charlie looks so regal as she looks over the water. Enjoyed the peacefulness of your pictures and haiku. The idea of swimming off that beach is wonderful.


  3. Like a dreamy place, fascinated me. But with your haiku it gets the meaning more… How much I love your Charlie, standing so noble. Kiss for me, dear Denis, Thank you, have a nice day, love, nia


    1. No posing Ron, she usually sits around like this. Charlie learnt to sit with her legs crossed from her granny Rosie. Rosie reared her when her mother and sibling were taken away by “the Russians” when she was only 4 weeks old.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Indeed there are. I used to go to Ricketts Point a lot when my children were small. It was the perfect family beach. When I was growing up we went to Parkdale near the yacht club a lot and also Mentone. I have fond memories of all the beaches around that area.


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